May 2021 • Newsletter
Terri and Sandford White have a long history when it comes to serving others. After rescuing Terri from the streets and Sandford from a material lifestyle in their 20’s, God led them both to live out their faith in street ministries, nursing homes, and prisons across the U.S.
during their 46 years of marriage.
It was when they finally settled down in Arizona in 2017 that God’s call led them to Along Side Ministries.
“We were very encouraged when we started with ASM,” says Terri. “They had younger Christians and people from all different walks of life who reminded me of us growing up in the ministry. It felt like coming home.”
Since that day, Terri and Sandford have driven from their home in Salome, just a few miles east of Quartzite, to Perryville Women’s Prison every week to be God’s hands and feet.
“We started as partners in the beginning and did the Bible studies. We have been in all seven yards. We’ve filled in for different pastors and we’ve had some miraculous experiences with the ladies inside. When we were locked out last March due to COVID, it was a very sad day for all of us.”
But limiting access to inside the prison didn’t stop them from serving from the outside. “Since COVID, we’ve been taking women who get released to their parole officers, take them to eat and to their halfway houses.”
Terri continued, “One we served recently was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given early clemency. We took her to Tucson to take care of her ailing mother. She’s very much alive and professing Jesus Christ as her savior. It’s testimonies like that that keep encouraging us to reach out.”
Thankfully, after 46 years of reaching out together, they don’t plan on stopping their service
anytime soon.
“Volunteering at ASM is one of the most rewarding experiences that you can
take with you. When you’re in the presence of the ladies reaching out and God being in the gathering place, there’s something very special about that.”
Sandford adds, “We’ve had our tough times but we are a team. We have our eyes on the kingdom of Heaven and we want to take as many as we possibly can with us.”
And we say, Amen to that! Thank you, Terri and Sandford, for your selfless love and dedication to ASM.