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In 2020 ASM celebrated 20 years of God’s faithfulness – 20 years of walking Along Side incarcerated men and women and watching God transform their lives and their circumstances.
In celebration, each Monday, from now till the end of the year, we will be bringing you stories of the amazing work God has done both inside and outside prison walls here in Arizona. Each story is a testament to the fact that grace, mercy, hope, and a new future await all who turn to Him, regardless of past mistakes or current circumstances. God’s grace is sufficient for all!
But as inspiring as each of these Along Side stories are, they have one thing in common:
None would have been possible without the prayers and financial support of our friends!
Help us continue to walk Along Side the men and women we serve, offering them hope behind bars and a path forward on the outside. A special 20th-anniversary gift of $20, $200, or even $2,020 today allows us to continue life-transforming work! Just click here to donate.
To God goes the glory! Thank you for your support and God bless!