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Both Inside and Outside

Mentor Ministry


This is the greatest need we have for both the men and women coming out of prison.


  • Meet one on one with an inmate/mentee who has been selected for you on a regular basis in prison (at least twice a month)

  • Using the materials provided by Along Side Ministries:

    • Work with the mentee on developing Godly character

    • Teach them how to cope with challenges and triggers once they are released.

    • Help them develop goals and an action plan for the transition from prison to society.

    • Help them complete documentation and skills required for employment

    • Teach them basic money management and budgeting

    • Teach them how to develop healthy relationships with others


At least a 15-month commitment and could be longer.


Other ways to help:


Grace Bags


This project impacts the hearts of our men and women on their first day of release from prison.

  • Put together a gift bag for the inmates for their 1st day of release

  • Use a predetermined list of needed items from the ASM office

  • Great group or family project


Host a Micro Event


  • Invite 25-30 guests to hear the story of ASM.

  • Guests will be educated, inspired and experience ASM through the testimonies of staff, volunteers, and our men and women.

  • 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. any night of the week.

  • No food or refreshments needed.


Become a Church Coordinator


Be the point person between ASM and your church. Be active in developing and maintaining a relationship with your church to educate and promote Along Side Ministries.

  • Develop and maintain a church contact list

  • Obtain sponsorship for retreats for ASM programmers and graduates when needed for your church

  • Arrange and plan fundraisers for Along Side Ministries

  • Work with ASM Director for coordination and strategy

At least a one-year commitment.




  • Assist our men and women as they walk through the steps of C.R.

  • To connect weekly for the length of the class (12-16 wks)

  • To pray with the programmer as they make this journey

Nothing catch your eye? There are more ways to help than we can list here! Contact us directly and we can put your heart and your talents to good use!

Give now to give hope and a second chance at life!

People incarcerated in Arizona: 42,000

The Problem: 65% of all inmates released in Arizona will return to prison. 

The Solution: 92% of our graduates get out and stay out!

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